- Phone: +234 803 969 8278
- Email: crudanhq@crudan.org
Our goal is to increase peaceful coexistence among ethnic groups, religious bodies, community and post-conflict rehabilitation mechanisms strengthened
Our Strategy: Dialogue
Our goal is to reduce socio-economic vulnerabilities to disaster as well as dealing with the environmental risks and other hazards and improved quality of life for affected community across the country.
Our Strategy: Capacity Strengthening
Women and Youth Participation in governance, democratic processes, and useful engagements strengthened for peace, Security and National Development
Our Strategy: Capacity Strengthening
Our goal is to have equipped and groomed stakeholders that are positively impacting their target beneficiaries and communities, thus, developing and sustaining their organizations, with low or minimum dependence on external support.
Our Strategy: Community Engagement
We want a Country predicated on values of good governance and democratic principles with well-informed populace that freely demand their rights, resouces judiciously managed, functional services and facilities provided by duty bearers for the benefits of all.
Our Strategy: Right-based Advacacy
Functional framework for networking, collaboration and shared learning among CRUDAN and member organizations established with optimized use of ICT and new media opportunities, for maximizing capabilities of members and ownership of CRUDAN vision.
Our Strategy: Linking, Liasing and Institutional Strengthening.